Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dolphins and Another Whale

Monday May 26

Heading north and trying to make some time today.  Yes, another early start but we are starting to work like a well-oiled team.  We had the anchor up about 20 minutes after we arose - and coffee in hand just minutes later.

Whale Spout
About and hour out of Shearwater four or five dolphins put on a great show and finished up by riding our bow wake.  Fun to watch.  We slowed to pass Klemtu (another town that has essentially been abandoned.

About noon in Tolmie Channel a whale joined us for a few minutes.  He was about 150 yards from the boat and seemed to be alone.

Cruised a total of 80 miles and anchored at the base of a beautiful waterfall at the end of Khutze Inlet (just short of Butedale).  We saw very few boats throughout the day and so were quite surprised when we found ourselves anchored in a cove with 4 other boats.

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