Friday, May 9, 2014

Bon Voyage (a week early)

Thanks Mary!
Last night we celebrated!  My friend Mary and her husband Mike hosted a gathering of the Alaska bound travelers and a close knit group of friends for a "Bon Voyage" party.  We ate well, had a glass of wine (or two...), traded lots of stories and were only marginally harassed about leaving town for almost 2 months!  Something about a bear hat, a pirate hat, false teeth (don't ask), Scrabble with snap-in tiles, and MREs.  We are incredibly fortunate to have had such a fabulous bunch of friends all in the same place at the same time -- making it a very special evening indeed.  Thanks to all for their love and support -- Mary & Mike, Lisa & Bill, Sue & James, Larry & Wilma, John & Anita, Susan & Bob, and Collette (all the way from New Orleans!).

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