Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Sunday May 25
Yet another early start - but the early morning waters are calm and it is beautiful to watch the day begin.  About one hour into our passage (at Addenbrook Light) three or four whales greeted us with a half-hour show.  Amazingly, we had cruised right into a pod of humpback whales and they were surfacing less than 20 yards from the boat.  Pictures of the event are on my "real" camera -- and I will have to wait until later to download them.
Reel Dream at Shearwater
Arrived at Shearwater just after noon and tied up at the dock long enough to have lunch and do a bit of shopping.  Our first time in civilization since leaving the Customs Dock in the Gulf Islands.  Craig, the owner, greeted us just as we stepped off the dock.  His dad bought Shearwater in 1947 when Craig was in 5th grade.  Craig completed 5th grade through a correspondence school.  The following year, his dad started a school in Shearwater.
Had a wonderful lunch of fresh Halibut fish and chips at the restaurant and then went to the grocery store which had everything I had forgot at home (including capers!).  After a couple hours ashore, we anchored the boat in a nearby cove next to Reel Dream (Mel & Bernice).  From Shearwater they will head west to St. Johns to fish for the summer and we will head north to Prince Rupert.

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