Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lowe Inlet (Grenville Channel) to Pillsbury Cove (Prince Rupert) - May 8

Planned a late start for this morning to miss the ebb tide that promised to slow down progress by as much as 3.5 knots.  After arising at 6:30 and enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee (good but not like our lattes at home) I decided that we deserved blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  After breakfast, Barrie worked on improving the flushing mechanism in the guest head including replacing the joker valve.  While he toiled away, I put my kayak in the water and went for a long paddle around Lowe Inlet.  This morning the tide was low and I kayaked over some very shallow shore waters and had a wonderful marine biology lesson.  Lots of shell fish, grasses, kelp and more.  As I was paddling I could feel a shift and it seemed that I was finally fully in the moment and so glad to be in such a beautiful place.  When I returned to the boat, Barrie was just finishing up his project and was very happy that it went so well.  He even had time to concours the head and said it could now win a prize for cleanliness!  I am not sure who had the most fun this morning.
We weighed anchor at 11:05 and had a very calm and peaceful run.  We passed a BC Ferry that was headed south and saw a sea plane fly close off the port bow.  Opted to anchor in Pillsbury Cove across from Prince Rupert.  Since it was nearly 8 pm and we would be leaving at first light, it didn't make sense to go into dock in the Harbor.  I thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Prince Rupert last year and would love to have time to walk the city and go back to the fabulous museum but not this time.  Dropped the anchor and for the first time on this trip it did not set on the first try.  Second try it caught and we both slept well

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