Friday, May 29, 2015

Warm Springs to Windfall Harbor, Seymour Canal - May 24

We slept in a bit this morning waiting for the ebb tide.  Current was pushing us against the dock but we easily cleared the end of the dock and were soon headed back into Chatam Strait.  The sea is much calmer than the weather forecast predicts and we have a smooth ride all the way to Frederick Sound where we start to see whale activity.  We continued north to Stephen's Passage and stopped the boat several times to watch the whales.  We continue to see whales as we motor north in Stephen's Passage.  Our original plan was to anchor in Tracy Arm Entrance Cove tonight but when we reach Seymour Canal in sunshine and perfectly calm seas, we alter our plans to go up Seymour Canal in search of bears!  There is a bear station at the head of the canal and we are told that bear sightings on shore are very common.  The canal is almost 30 miles long and ends in a beautiful anchorage.  WIndfall Harbor is beautiful, serene and very peaceful - and we have the entire harbor to ourselves.  We drop our anchor in 67 feet of water and take in the stunning scenery with a glass of wine in hand.  Our view is of snow covered mountains that seem to come straight down to the harbor and in the distance we see whales spouting.  The only thing missing is a bear sighting.  This is a place that speaks to my heart and I could happily spend days just taking in the grandeur.

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