Thursday, May 21, 2015

Warm Springs - Deep Bay, Peril Strait - May 19

This morning we have a nice leisurely start and enjoy coffee and breakfast while we wait for the ebb tide to abate.  The water at the Warm Springs dock flows from Baronof Lake and runs 24/7.  We are told that the water is not certified but it is used by locals and fishermen.  We do not add any to our water tanks.  I use the hose to wash the salt water off Chug and the lightly scrub the foredeck.  At 8:00 we push off from the dock and head 4:30.  We drop the anchor in 60 feet of water and let out 200 feet of chain.  The anchor is firm and we are the only boat in an area the guidebooks claim is heavily used.  Perhaps we are still early in the season.  As evening arrives so do two additional boats - including the fishing boat that arrived in Warm Springs after us.  Lots of room to swing.  Plenty of rest for all.
back into Chatam Strait.  We run north for 20 miles and then turn west into Peril Strait.  Again, we see almost no boat traffic.  For part of the day we are able to follow the tug, that tied up next to us last night, on AIS.  Also on AIS we see the Columbia (Alaska State Ferry) enter Peril Strait ahead of us.  We progress through Peril Strait all afternoon and slip into Deep Bay around

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