Friday, May 8, 2015

Shearwater to Bottleneck (May 6)

A leisurely start this morning.  Our download of charts completed overnight while we slept.  Went for a walk on shore and found a very pretty trail - the Spirit Walk.  Very serene and much work went into building the boardwalks.  Bought fresh veggies and eggs at the store.  They get a delivery every 2 weeks but had a nice selection and not tooooo expensive.  So now we have raw eggs in addition to the hard-boiled ones we were allowed to bring over the border.
Set out as the ground fog was lifting.  Weather is fabulous - almost no wind on Milbanke Sound.  Very little boat traffic.  Passed by the Canadian Coast Guard that was headed south in Finlayson Channel.  Also in Finlayson watched a logging operation with much interest.  They were using a helicopter that flew with a long chain from the shore to the clear cut on the mountain.  A ground crew attached the chain to two logs at a time (as long as 100 feet) and then the helicopter flew back to the shore and dropped the logs where they were being collected into a log boom.  Each trip took less than 5 minutes!
Tucked into Bottleneck Cove for the night.  We were alone save for 5 crab pots.  At dusk a small outboard motorboat came and collected the catch.  Don't know how many they kept but do know that they threw a dozen back.
Sat on the foredeck enjoying the end of the day and to my amazement, Duffy strolled by my feet not once but twice.  Guess he was getting his exercise!  Brave kitty!

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