Friday, May 8, 2015

Miles Inlet to Shearwater (May 5)

The beautiful full moon was still up when we arose just before 4.  Started water for coffee and listened to weather.  Sounds like a good crossing of Queen Charlotte Sound.  Just to be prepared I stowed all the loose items and fastened the boom to keep it from swinging.  Ready to go and the engine doesn't want to start.  Barrie correctly diagnoses the problem to be the interlock switch and adjusts it.  Five minutes later the anchor is up and we are making our way slowly down Miles Inlet.  Wonderful anchorage - would certainly recommend it.
Entering Queen Charlotte Sound we find ocean swells but a very pleasant ride.  Soon there is a bright rainbow on the horizon and then a double rainbow.  Eventually hints of a triple rainbow can be seen to the east.  We cross Cape Caution at 7:10 and find shelter behind Calvert Island at 9:30.  Hit the "easy" button.  The water is soon as smooth as glass.  Barrie starts the generator and we make water and do a load of laundry.  Water maker was at 800 lbs and made 16 gallons an hour.  We have almost 80 gallons of great water!
Arrived in Shearwater at 5:35 and had dinner ashore.  Also used their new upgraded wifi to download charts.  Stayed on the dock and met two more boats headed to Alaska.  Both Mosey and New Adventure are home-ported in Anacortes.  They are bigger and faster than we are but we will likely see them again.

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