Barrie wakes me early this morning and says I must get up! The sun is just coming up and the sky has just a few wispy clouds in the east. It is so beautiful that I find a warm jacket and take my coffee outside. I sit on the bow and watch the day begin. It is so quiet here that I am startled by the noise of a jet in the distance.
Barrie would like to make some distance this morning while the wind is down. The good news for me is that the tide is ebbing in Queen Charlotte Strait at almost 4 knots. In a slow (7 knot) boat that makes forward progress very difficult. The tide will turn in just over 2 hours. I have time to put my kayak in the water and go for a paddle!
The water is perfectly still and I can see to the bottom. Kelp, eel grass, small fish and so much more. In places I am moving over water that is so shallow that my paddle skims along the bottom. Low tide is great for sightseeing by kayak but will make getting out of the anchorage a bit more challenging.
We are headed to the Broughtons where we are likely to spend a couple of nights. We need Johnstone Strait to lie down after winds that will exceed 35 knots. By noon today we will have completed the passage of Queen Charlotte Strait (the 3rd exposed body of water we will cross on our way home.)
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