Friday, June 16, 2017

Setting up for Dixon Entrance

We are set to depart Ketchikan n this morning at 5:30 but just as I begin to untie the lines, yet another cruise ship arrives.  It is hard to describe the massive size of these ships compared to our small boat.  We wait for almost 15 minutes before the ship clears the entrance to Thomas Basin.

The wind is still blowing from the SW and the forecast calls for 5 foot seas in the Dixon Entrance.  That combination could be trouble if it results in waves on our beam.  We set-out thinking that if the seas are rough, we will put in at Foggy Bay.  If the seas are acceptable, we will continue to Cape Fox and if need be up Pearse Canal to a more sheltered spot.  We must stay on the Alaska side of the International Line tonight unless we are willing to go all the way to Prince Rupert to clear customs.

The sun is out!  The forecast is for calmer winds tonight and then SE winds in the morning.  We tuck into a fair weather anchorage at Cape Fox and anchor in less than 10 feet of water.  Are we really in Alaska?  We rock back and forth as the ocean swell reaches us, but we are well secured and well positioned for completing our crossing of the Dixon Entrance in the morning.

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