Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Broughton's

Queen Charlotte Sound and Queen Charlotte Strait and both behind us.  Beautiful day of cruising in the sun!  We are in the Broughton's and looking for a good forecast to continue down Johnstone Strait.  More later.

Today has been one of the best weather days of the trip and Queen Charlotte Strait has laid down making our travels today much calmer than yesterday.  We turn into the Broughton's from Johnstone Strait and debate where we stop this evening.  Billy Proctor is a well-known homesteader in this area and 8 years ago he opened a museum on his homestead property that contains relics from logging and fishing in days past.  We have a couple of books that Bill authored (or co-authored) and think it would be fun to see his collection.

We decide to tie up at Echo Bay and take the trail to Proctor Bay and the museum.  We are surprised to find just two boats at Echo Bay which is a well-known "resort" in the Broughton's.  We tie-up the boat, pay for two hours of dock time, and learn that not only is Bill still alive (he is 82) but he still lives on the property and greets museum guests.  Bill is there when we arrive and shares a number of stories including "if one stick of dynamite is good - two must be better."  He also agrees to autograph our books.  It is an interesting  afternoon and a pleasant walk. 

We return to the boat, cast-off our lines and head three miles south where we anchor for the evening in Shoal Cove.  We share the harbor with several boats but perhaps most interesting is Deerleap from Longbeach CA.  Designed by Hoffar and launched in 1929 at Hoffar-Beeching boatyard in Vancouver, B.C. Deerleap is 85' long. She is powered by two Gardner diesels (Barrie's favorite diesel engine!).

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