Sunday, June 25, 2017

Chug to the Rescue June 25

Sunrise at Henry Bay

We are awake to watch the sun rise over the Strait of Georgia.  Winds are still calm but clouds are forming in all directions.  We follow the shore of Denman Island south for several miles before turning into the Strait.  This morning we have NW winds and a flood tide.  With a following sea, we make 8 knots for most of the morning.  Barrie cranks up the water maker and I do a load of laundry.

Just after 1 pm, we hear a call on the VHF that attracts our attention.  A 36 foot Trawler is disabled (he ran over the line to the dinghy he was towing and it is wrapped around the propeller -- and the dinghy is adrift.  He provides the Coast Guard with incomplete location information and cannot provide correct Lat & Long.  A nearby boater calls on Channel 16 to say that Winchelsea Control knows their location (we are in the Whiskey Golf range).

Fresh Shrimp Salad for lunch
Less than half an hour ago, we were in Ballenas Channel.  With binoculars, we are able to see the disabled boat and let the Coast Guard know we are in the area.  We agree to head in the direction of the disabled boat and render assistance.  As we start our trek, a tugboat calls in to say that he is an hour away and can provide a tow.  Our job now is to rescue the dinghy and return it to the disabled boat.  We can see the tug in the distance and know that he is better equipped to tow a vessel in the Strait of Georgia than we are.  While we are in the area, another small pleasure craft arrives and somehow they rig a tow rope.  In our minds, this looks like an accident waiting to happen.

The tug changes course to continue on his original path.  The Coast Guard asks Pegasus to check-in when they are safely docked.  As the afternoon progresses, we hear the Coast Guard trying to reach Pegasus.  We assume they made it to a safe harbor but will likely never know.

We continue on our way and tie-up in Silva Bay.  We have a beer at the pub and walk the local trails before heading back to the boat for the night.  Tomorrow we will be in the southern Gulf Islands.

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