Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Behm Canal - Wednesday June 4

Yes Bay
Started the day with our final "Larry breakfast" -- we have been so spoiled by having an excellent short order cook on board!  Larry made eggs, sausage and hash browns and we all lingered a bit over our last breakfast together - then it was time to say our goodbyes.  Larry headed north along the waterfront to catch the Alaska Ferry to Bellingham (it will a be a 40 hour ride).  Barrie and I headed to the local IGA for a few provisions (although we certainly are not short of food on board!).
With the new heat exchanger installed, we are quite certain that our coolant issues are behind us but we are feeling less brave about heading further north and decided to try a tour of the Behm Canal and Misty Fjords National monument.  Once again we have beautiful weather and take our time along the canal finally arriving at Yes Bay - a perfect anchorage.  The guide books all warn of rocks and narrow passages but we find the passage easy enough and arrive in a completely protected bay.  Today we saw two Orcas and no other boats.

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