Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Prince Rupert - Thursday May 29

Today was a day of indecision.  We listened to the weather.  Our dilemma was to forge ahead to Ketchikan or stand fast in Prince Rupert.  The plan in P.R. was to visit a cannery in Port Edward that is being restored to show how the cannery functioned and what it was like to work there.  We finally decided to continue on our way.  Larry's friend Vic (another former Krogen owner who kept a boat in Ketchikan for many years) had sent us a "back-door" route across the Dixon Entrance which included an overnight in Winter Harbor.  The weather forecast had predicted wind and chop - so we were delighted to find calm seas!  So calm in fact, that we changed course and headed straight across the entrance.  We stopped in Foggy Bay for the night - leaving us just 33 miles to reach Ketchikan in the morning.

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