Sunday, June 22, 2014

Octopus Islands - Wednesday June 18

Slept in this morning before completing our run through the rapids.  Slack tide was not until mid-morning and we had just 4 miles to go before arriving at the northern end of Dent Rapids.  We transited the rapids about 30 minutes before slack and then went through Yulculta Rapids (also on the slack).  After a bit of consideration we decided to head to the Octopus Islands for tonight.  Again we had to wait for Slack tide.  Hole in the Wall Passage takes you from Calm Channel to Okisollo Channel.  This is a very narrow passage with a rapids at the western end.  We dropped our anchor in Florence Cove and had a bite of lunch while we waited for slack.  Florence Cove is really just a wide spot in the channel and we had a bit of trouble with the anchor holding.  Good enough for lunch but not good enough to take a nap.
A few minutes before slack, we completed our transit of Hole in the Wall and took the narrow passage along Quadra Island into Waiatt Bay.  This is a good sized anchorage with room for many boats.  When we arrived there with a half dozen sailboats anchored in the center of the bay and a Krogen 48 anchored in the small cove.  We snugged in near the Krogen 48 and set the anchor.  Shortly, Neil and Lynn Porter arrived by dinghy from "Navigator" and invited us for cocktails on the deck.  Very enjoyable fellowship. 

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