Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ketchikan Friday May 30

Slept in an extra hour (Alaska time is one hour earlier) and headed out of Foggy Bay for the short cruise to Ketchikan.  Just outside the entrance to Foggy Bay a whale greeted us!  The transit to Ketchikan was calm and easy and we arrived at 10:45. 
Our first task was to find the FedEx package with the heat exchanger.  Shortly we learned that 2 day air service to Alaska is really 3-day service and that the exchanger would arrive on Monday.  Despite our efforts - there was nothing that could be done to speed the process.  So, we will go cruising for a couple of days and return on Monday to pick up the package and make the repair.  The good news is that the engine continues to run well -- we just have to keep an eye on the coolant level and add a bit every two or three hours of run time.  It will be nice to get it fixed. 
Since leaving home, Larry has been our Breakfast Man -- producing great breakfasts!  We will certainly miss him when he departs next Wednesday.

Total hours from Lagoon Point to Ketchikan -- 109 hours at 1600 rpm (or less).  Plenty of fuel remaining for the return trip!

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