Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Shearwater - Wedneday June 11

Sunset over Shearwater
Another early morning .  The alarm went off just after 4 so we would be ready to be picked up by Mel at 5 am.  Beautiful calm morning with flat seas but the forecast is for a storm to pick up this afternoon and the winds could last for 2 or 3 days.  We decided to spend the morning fishing and head to Shearwater before the storm arrived.
Within about 30 minutes we had our first fish aboard -- a nice King that weighed about 15 lbs.  The next fish was a 35 pound beauty.  Barrie played the fish and brought it to the boat.  The "monster" broke free as Mel tried to net it.  It was a beautiful sight and we really don't have room in the small freezer for a fish that size.  What an experience.  Shortly after Barrie hooked into another 15 pound King.  With our limit on board we headed back to Mel & Bernice's boat where Mel cleaned the fish while Barrie looked-on.  I then worked with Mel & Bernice to vacuum pack the fish.  Barrie had the job of labeling everything to comply with the Fish and Game requirements.  A wonderful time with our new friends. 
We had the anchor up at 9 am for the 20 mile trip to Shearwater.  We arrived in time for lunch and a chance to catch up on email and the BLOG!

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