Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bacchante Bay to West White Pine, June 26

Fog lifting in Baccante Bay

The weather forecast for Vancouver Island South continues to include Gale Force winds and we make plans to explore Clayoquot Inlet while the storm passes.  The good news is that there seem to be endless interesting nooks and crannies worth exploring.  
We awake to fog so thick we can't see the bow.  We think that if the fog remains this thick for too long we will miss our chance to exit the cove at high tide.  By the time we have a cup of coffee the fog is lifting and becoming patching.  We are able to pull the anchor this morning at high tide and retrace our path out the narrow and shallow opening of Baccante Bay.  After our experience in Hot Springs Cove, we are still trying to avoid the weekend crowds so we look for an out-of-the way spot with sheltered anchorage from northwest winds and decide on West White Pine.  This is an easy short cruise and our anchor is down before breakfast!  

We settle-in to small chores, books and I put my kayak in the water.  I have a lovely paddle around the small lagoon and think that I will do it again in the morning!  We are sharing our cove with crab pots and one other boat that is anchored just outside the narrow neck.  After dinner we decide that we will continue our exploration of Clayoquot Sound and decide to move to Matilda Inlet and the community of Ahousat.  
Fish farming at the entrance to White Pine

This sounds like a good plan, but in order to get out of this beautiful anchorage, we need high tide.  A quick check of the tide tables tells us that high tide is just before 6 am.  With this information, I decide to take my second kayak paddle this evening and stow that kayak on the top deck before we retire for the evening. 

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