Saturday, June 11, 2016

Charles Bay to Mist Islets (Port Harvey) June 11

Pulled up anchor at Turn Island at 2:30 and arrived at Charles Bay a half hour later.  Charles Bay is across Mayne Passage from Blind Channel Resort and provided a nice secure anchorage from which to visit Blind Channel by dinghy (with the nicely tuned motor!)  This is a very sweet resort that has been in the same family for 3 generations – and sports a very personal touch.  The store was still unpacking this years stock and had not yet opened the boxes of jewelry.  It felt like Christmas – as we unpacked the box looking for the matching earring.  We found a very similar pair and a few other goodies that found their way into my shopping bag. 

While I was shopping for silver and gold, Barrie was checking out the dinner menu at The Cedar Post restaurant.  Everything sounded wonderful and much of the menu had a German flair (in keeping with the heritage of the owners).  In fact, it all sounded so good that we made reservations! 

Before dinner we just had time for a walk through the old growth forest to the 800-year-old cedar tree.  Dinner was superb and the staff made it even more so.  Around 7:30 we headed back to the boat and enjoyed a tranquil evening reading.

Woke up this morning to a party sunny day (really just glorious) and with favorable tides decided to start by running Greene Point Rapids into Chancellor Channel then meeting up with the infamous Johnstone Strait.  Last night the weather forecast for Johnstone sounded sublime.  Today the forecast had changed to Strong Wind Warning (10-20 from the NW) and Sunday’s forecast was much calmer (5-15 from the SE).  So we debated … and we listened to other boats in front of us – “better use the diesel today and crank her up to 18, so we can get out of here” … and looked at the conditions around us.  We decided to put our nose out into it and see what it really looked like.   As it turned out, conditions could not have been better.  We had an easy transit to Havannah Channel and decided to stop at Port Harvey to look for a battery for one of Barrie’s tools.  When we were here two years ago, it seemed that the small store had one of everything!  We pulled up to the dock to discover that the store is closed.  The men on the dock told us they hoped to have it open again next year.  Not sure what happened but we are sure sorry it is no longer.

The weather gods have certainly been cooperative on this trip!  Hope it keeps up.

Dropped our anchor near Port Harvey by Mist Islets.  Then dropped the kayak and went for a paddle at low tide.  Back to the boat for a shower and to check on Barrie’s progress.  He spent the afternoon adjusting the water maker.  We both took advantage of a very marginal internet connection.  Hope this posts.  I will add some photos when we have better service.

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