Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bluden-bust May 7

McEwan Rock at Entrance to Allison Harbor
Our passage through the Broughton's was simply stunning.  The sun shone and the waters were calm.  But, the weather forecast for Queen Charlotte just got worse.  The forecast now calls for winds in excess of 35 in the afternoon.  We poke our nose into Blunden Harbor with its beautiful midden beaches (and a new First Nations dock) since our last visit.  We know the holding in Blunden is good but we also know that protection from a west wind is marginal.  That means we will be safe at anchor but not necessarily comfortable.  Since we still have lots of daylight and the winds have not started to howl, we make the decision to continue to Allison Harbor where not only will we be better protected from the west wind, we will be several miles closer to Cape Caution.
Our trip north to Allison is a bit lumpy but soon we are safely anchored.  We are sharing the harbor with just one additional boat - a small charter pleasure craft.  We are well-protected and are able to sleep easily.

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