Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bound for Hoonah

Last evening we attended the Tribal House talk.  Two of the carvers from Hoonah talked about the 6 1/2 years of carving involved in creating the House.  They also discussed the four House Posts representing the four Clans that lived in the Glacier Bay area.  Beautiful work and nice personal talk.  From there a quick stop at the lodge to look at the natural history display and then back to the boat.

After a very calm night at anchor, this morning we returned to the Lodge for some quick internet connectivity and breakfast.  After docking the boat we walked to shore and found this gear piled at the head of the dock.  Then we met the people to whom this equipment belongs.  They looked pretty serious!  One was wearing a hat that said Fairweather Ski Works.  So, I googled it!  http://fairweatherskiworks.com/gulf-of-ak-traverse/

Perhaps this needs to be our next adventure (kayak and ski). 

Next Adventure????
Stand-Up Paddling????

From here we head to Hoonah and a chance to visit with "Cousin" Floyd Peterson.  I think he is my third cousin (we share a great great grandparent) but I leave the genealogy to my Aunt Sue.

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