Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Cape Caution

While we snug in our anchorage, the storm blew in Queen Charlotte Sound.  The forecast tells us that the storm has passed but that it will be several hours before the seas calm down.  Our best guess is the by noon the seas will have a 2 foot chop with a westerly swell.  The lighthouse report from Egg Island at 10:30 says that the winds have died to 11 knots and the seas are still 3 feet.

We pull up our anchor at 12:30 and slowly work our way into the Sound.  We pass three boats that remain at anchor in Miles Inlet and wonder if we are pushing the timing.  If we are, we will turn back.  Once we in open water we feel the chop but the ride is actually quite comfortable.

Soon, we are passing Cape Caution and we continue on our way to Fury Cove.  We arrive at Fury Cove about 5:30 and find just one other boat in the cove.  Our first attempt to anchor is unsuccessful -- our Delta anchor skitters over rocks.  Our second attempt just a 100 yards away finds a solid hold.  We are in for the night.  Over the years, we have had great success with the Delta but I suppose once in a while, you have to be humbled and do a "redo".  Fury Cove is worth the effort.  It is a beautiful anchorage.
Fury Cove

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