Friday, June 19, 2015

A short run from Thomas Bay to Petersburg where we docked at the South Harbor. Weather not quite as sunny and bright as the last time we were here but still very pleasant. Tried to get in touch with Mandy the doormat maker. She was getting ready for the crab opening and did not have a mat for us! She agreed to make one and send it when she returned. Barrie and I walked through town, did a bit of grocery shopping and stopped at Cold Storage to pick up some smoked black cod and smoked salmon then wandered back to the boat and had a relaxing evening. Our next challenge is transiting the Wrangell Narrows from North to South and the tide window is at 10:45 tomorrow morning.

A short run from Thomas Bay to Petersburg where we docked at the South Harbor.  Weather not quite as sunny and bright as the last time we were here but still very pleasant.  Tried to get in touch with Mandy the doormat maker.  She was getting ready for the crab opening and did not have a mat for us!  She agreed to make one and send it when she returned.  Barrie and I walked through town, did a bit of grocery shopping and stopped at Cold Storage to pick up some smoked black cod and smoked salmon then wandered back to the boat and had a relaxing evening.  Our next challenge is transiting the Wrangell Narrows from North to South and the tide window is at 10:45 tomorrow morning.

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