Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Juneau to Funter Bay Marine Park – May 30

After spending time on the dock in Auke Bay, we are all ready to escape “city life” and decide to spend John’s last night on board in Funter Bay Marine Park.  The bay is approximately 20 miles away and we depart after another leisurely breakfast at the Gonzo’s. 

We untie from the dock and are out of the harbor before 10 am.  The sun is shining and just beyond the harbor we see our first whales of the day.  It must be a whale convention because in the space of just a few minutes we see at least 2 dozens whale mists and several whale tales.  During the remaining three hours we have several additional whale sightings. 

View from Funter Bay Float
We arrive in Funter Bay and note that the state float near Coot Cove is full.  We assume this must be a popular spot for weekenders from Juneau.  This float is attached to a dock and provides easy access to the beach.  The other float in the bay has plenty of room and this is where we tie up for the night.  Several smaller boats join us and we learn that today is the annual salmon fishing derby.  We watch one boat clean a 15-pound salmon on the end of the dock.

Barrie and John are soon in the prone position enjoying a nap and I take my book to the stern where I enjoy the warmth of the sun.

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