Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hoonah - June 2

Barrie and I spent the morning on the boat and met Marj at 11;30 after she had shuttled cruise ship passengers to go whale watching with Floyd.  We took the opportunity to return to the restored cannery and spent time looking through the shops before seeing the cultural show put on by the local Huna Tlingit theater group.
 Dinner with Floyd and Marj at the Icy Strait Lodge.  Marj and I shared a halibut pizza.  Try ordering that on Whidbey Island.
Barrie and I agree that meeting Floyd and Marj has been a highlight of our trip.  We are so pleased that we were able to spend time with them in their hometown of Hoonah.  We hope they will stop and see us on Whidbey.

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