Friday, June 19, 2015

Lewis Island to Coughlan Anchorage, Hartley Bay June 16

Departed Lewis Island at 7 am with the intention of catching the flood tide into Grenville Channel and the ebb tide out. On our trip north we stayed at Lowe Inlet (in the middle of Grenville Channel) making it much easier to catch to tides. Today it was all a matter of compromise and no matter how we worked it, it seemed that we were pushing our way through the channel - sometimes we were down to 4.5 knots. Because of our slow progress, we were challenged to find an anchorage for the night. We either had to stop in Wright Sound where we could anchor at either Fin Island or in Coughlan Anchorage - or - the next possible anchorage was 45 miles further along. At 5 knots that would be 9 hours and even at 7 knots we were looking at 6 hours. We stopped at Coughlan.

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