Friday, June 19, 2015

St John's Harbor to June 19

It rained all night and both Barrie and I wondered about our sanity as we got ready to go fishing at 4:00 this morning. We pulled out all of the rain gear, including our yellow Gloucester fisherman rain hats given to us by our friend Dick Sherbondy at Christmas. We also had rain gear from our friends Sue and James that kept us dry. I caught my first fish just after 5 this morning. Another 8 pounder. Then Mel and I both had a fish on the line at the same time. Mine was an itty bitty salmon that escaped the fry pan this year and Mel's was a ling cod that we also let go. As we were putting our lines back in the water, it took only minutes for a fish to connect with Mel's line. I pulled my line in and Mel let me bring in a beautiful 25 pound salmon. Great fun. With two nice fish in the boat, we headed back to Mel's dock to clean fish and then back to our boat. The weather forecast says that we have a limited window to get across Queen Charlotte Sound and we are going to make a dash for it. Pulled up anchor at 7 am and will see how far we can get today. So, a very quick trip to Shearwater and a stop at the store and also to drop off hatchery fish head. In six months they will send us a post card to let us know what hatchery our fish came from.. interesting. All other fish caught were wild. I am trying to squeeze in these posts while we are still in range of Shearwater. We are headed south. More when I have time. Sorry for lack of photos but that takes real wifi access.

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