Friday, June 19, 2015

Coffman Cove, Clarence Strait to Foggy Bay - June 14

We departed at 4;30 am and headed south weaving our way through a few islands before entering the open strait. Once again the water is calm - in fact so calm that it is almost glassy. As we reached the mid-point between Ketchikan and Meyer's Chuck we passed a group of 6 Grand Banks boats. We assumed it had to be a group from Northwest Explorations and we were correct! We tuned into Channel 1 on the VHF and listened to their naturalist talk about the life cycle of salmon. Since they were headed north and we were headed south, we soon parted company. Apparently the group will stop this evening in Meyer's Chuck. It is a little difficult to imagine that many boats in the chuck but perhaps they will raft at the dock. Also, when were there at the beginning of our trip, we were so early that the post mistress had not yet started to make her famous cinnamon rolls that she delivers to the boats. We hope NW Explorations is lucky enough to get a roll delivery. Arrived at Tongass Narrows just as the Alaskan ferry Columbia was departing to go north. Gave her plenty of berth and began our trip south. Tongass Narrows is a very place with cruise ships, container ships and lots of seaplanes. We considered anchoring in Judd Cove this evening but were concerned that the morning's minus tide could make it quite difficult to exit, so we went back to Foggy Bay. We were the last boat to anchor for the evening and found that 7 boats had already anchored, It was a bit crowded but there was plenty of room for all.

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