Friday, June 19, 2015

Petersburg to Coffman Cove, Clarence Strait - June 13

We start this morning exiting our slip with more than 3 knots of current. This time we are prepared and all go well. We stop at the fuel dock for a final top-off for the trip home and take on 100 gallons. Getting onto the dock was easy since both tides and wind were pushing us on the dock. Getting off the dock was more difficult and we were glad that the fuel dock had plenty of bumpers! Today we ran the Wrangell Narrows North to South. The process seems much easier and less intimidating since we have done this in the other direction. There are over 60 navigational aids and really all you have to do is pay attention and count. This morning there was very little boat traffic in the narrows and the weather was good. Fog would change everything quickly! When we exit the Wrangell Narrows, we find absolutely calm seas in Clarence Strait and decide to take that route south. This is a long north-south body of water and wind can quickly build the seas but today we have smooth sailing. Our first plan takes us to Exchange Inlet for the night but we arrive in record time and the seas are still favoring us so we opt to continue on to Coffman Cove. This is a good sized cove with quite a few houses on shore. At the opening to the cove there is a ferry dock and at the back of the cove a marina that can hold 100 boats. A large sailboat and a crab pot take the prime anchorage locations but we find a spot and drop our anchor. Soon we are enjoying a "cuppa" on the stern and watching the sun drop in the sky.

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