Friday, June 19, 2015

Foggy Bay to Lewis Island, Canada - June 15

A quiet night at Foggy Bay with almost no wind and a near perfect morning to cross Dixon Entrance. The minus 2.6 tide made the thought of exiting Foggy Bay a bit nerve-wracking so we left 2 hours before low tide (4;15 a) and had just over 2 feet of tide. For the first 2 hours we had a 3' swell abeam but by 7:00 we had following seas making for a very pleasant ride. We arrived at the entrance to Venn Passage ahead of schedule and since the current was still running hard we throttled back and waited most of an hour before we entered. Arrived in Prince Rupert Harbor and hailed the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club to discover that since there was a race in town, there was no additional room at the dock that evening. They were kind enough to provide a place to tie up for an hour and I used their internet connections to purchase a fishing license. Now we have to find our way to St John's Harbor where Mel and Bernice spend the summer and hope that they are there! Departed Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club at 3:30 for a 20 mile run to Lewis Island where we anchored for the night. Large anchorage with good protection and just one additional boat at anchor.

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