Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Juneau – May 29

We awake to another sunny day with a forecast of temperatures in the mid 70s.  Our first activity is to head to shore and search out a coffee shop that has wi-fi.  We are soon pointed in the right direction by a local to a fairly non-descript building that houses Gonzo’s, a restaurant with good coffee and great waffles.  We procure a table and begin to catch up.  I take this opportunity to update our back-up computer with Canadian charts and also work on catching up on the blog and my personal email.  Barrie spends time on email and John uses the time to visit the local laundromat.

Several cups of coffee later, I have completed my chores and head back to the boat.
We put away computers and don our hiking attire and head back into Juneau on the bus.  Our first stop is the Flight Deck restaurant for local fish & chips and a pitcher of Alaskan Amber.  Now, this is a good way to start an afternoon of sightseeing.  We join the throngs of tourists and take the tram up the mountain.  From the top we have an incredible view of the cruise ship docks and also Gastineau Channel and the surrounding mountains.  We watch the award winning film on the history of the Tlingets (all agreeing that it was very worthwhile) and then begin the 2.5-mile hike down the mountain through a stunning Alaskan forest. 

On the way home, we catch the local bus which takes us through many neighborhoods (an interesting way to see a town) and also has a stop by the Fred Myers where we pick up a few groceries and restock the liquor cabinet.  Then back to the boat.  We stop at Hot Bites and share a famous malt.  This turns out to be dinner.  We head back to boat, stow the groceries and sit on the deck watching the world go by.

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