Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Funter Bay to Juneau to Funter Bay – May 31

This morning we are headed back to Juneau to drop John off at the dock.  He will fly home from here.  The sky is overcast but throughout the morning we experience lovely sun breaks and by the time we reach Juneau (at 9:30) the sun is out!  Along the way, we see a few humpback whales.  We stop just long enough for John to step ashore.  Barrie and I are both sad to lose John’s company.  It has been a thoroughly enjoyable two weeks.

We reverse our route and head return to Funter Bay for a second night.  Along the way, we see fewer whales but we are treated to watching a seal and an eagle fight over a salmon.  The eagle lost the fight but perhaps the salmon was the biggest loser of all.  

We drop our anchor in Coot Cover at 1:30 and spend the afternoon reading.  The wind dies down in the evening and I put my kayak in the water for a paddle.  I explore an old cannery site and also paddle to the community dock that is still full.  

I return to the boat and stow the kayak.  Tomorrow we are headed to Hoonah.

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